Freedom Advisors Blog

Disciplined Investing to Combat Behavioral Bias

Written by Freedom Advisors | May 20, 2024 3:21:15 PM

Investing can be a thrilling journey, full of opportunities and risks. However, one of the biggest challenges investors face is navigating through a sea of biases and behavioral traits that can derail long-term goals. Here we delve into the importance of diversified strategic investing and why it's crucial when compared to overly tactical approaches or concentration risks.

Understanding Investor Psychology

Psychological insights shed light on a critical aspect of investing—the role of the human brain. Our brains, despite their incredible processing power, are not immune to cognitive biases and behavioral traits that often lead to suboptimal investment decisions. One of the most common pitfalls is the tendency to buy high and sell low, driven by emotions like greed and fear.

The Top 5 Behavioral Traits

  1. Confirmation Bias: This bias leads investors to seek or believe information that confirms their existing beliefs, ignoring contradictory data. It can lead to investing in ways that do not objectively weigh all information.
  2. Gambler's Fallacy: Investors often rely on past performance as an indicator of future success, disregarding the disclaimer that past performance does not guarantee future results. This behavior can lead to chasing returns and constantly switching strategies based on recent trends.
  3. Probability Neglect: Instead of focusing on statistical probabilities, investors often chase possibilities, such as expecting unrealistic gains or overlooking the actual risks associated with an investment, contrary to sound investment principles.
  4. Herd Bias: Humans have a tendency to follow the crowd, seeking validation and acceptance. This behavior can lead to market excesses and bubbles, as investors mimic the actions of others without conducting independent analysis.
  5. Anchoring Effect: Investors may anchor their decisions to past experiences, placing undue importance on certain events or investments. This bias can prevent them from objectively evaluating new opportunities or adjusting strategies based on changing market conditions.

A Path to More Consistent Investing

Despite these behavioral challenges, there are strategies investors can employ to make more informed decisions and improve the probability of positive outcomes:

  • Diversification: Building a diversified portfolio helps spread risk across different asset classes, reducing the impact of individual market or security movements on overall performance.
  • Strategic Approach: Adopting a strategic investment approach involves setting clear goals, adhering to a disciplined investment strategy, and avoiding knee-jerk reactions to market fluctuations.
  • Risk Management: Implementing risk management techniques such as limiting losses, tempering expectations, and asset allocation based on risk tolerance can help mitigate potential losses.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Relying on data and thorough analysis rather than emotional impulses can lead to more rational investment decisions.
  • Continuous Learning: Staying informed, learning from past mistakes, and adapting to changing market dynamics are essential for long-term investment success.


In the realm of wealth management, efficiency is key to delivering consistent results while mitigating the impact of behavioral biases. One effective system is to utilize standard investment models that allow advisors to focus on core investment strategies rather than developing distinct tactics and portfolios for each client.

Freedom Advisors helps advisor do both, whether you are looking to create a series of models for you client base, or interested in working with our expert model providers. Talk to us today for an objective review of your current approach and recommendations for a new path forward.